You won’t believe: Detailers’ Easy Trick to Clean Any Windshield!

Micro$oft gets nasty on forced Windows 10 “Upgrade” — (Update to “How to Stop Windows 10”)

This is an update to what I previously posted here. (I’m a Mac user, but I write such things out of concern for friends still suffering the handicap known as Windows.)

Microsoft has recently gotten downright mean, and certainly unethical. The latest “popup” windows about upgrading now interpret clicking the “X” as “upgrade” instead of “close” — both the “X” and the “OK” button function the same as choosing “upgrade.”

According to a WND article here:

To avoid the forced “upgrade,” a user has to go into the fine print. Inside a logo box in the ad is a scheduled date for a mandatory upgrade. The user must look in the tiny type just below that line and find where it says “here” and click on that to avoid the upgrade.

Read more on their site.

Yes, Hitler was a Liberal Socialist… | Louder With Crowder – YouTube

A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with of course, Adolf Hitler as their leader. Rewriting history is pretty common for leftists, but thanks to this nifty thing called “history” in combination with “the internet,” we can bust this myth once and for all…

Some real social justice in a sea of stupid

Bishop Chrysostomos, the spiritual leader of the Greek island of Zakynthos, stuck his neck out to save all 275 of the island’s Jews during the Nazi occupation of Greece….

Amazing. Read about it here.

How Your Words are Creating the Husband You Can’t Stand — The Purposeful Housewife

Very good read, written by a wife for wives, but, men, the same truth applies for us in our speech toward & about our spouses.

My mind flashed to a recent conversation with a friend about the common problem of husband-bashing in Christian women’s groups. I remembered a “Bible study” I once joined, excited for a chance to grow and make friends. I went for three weeks, each time hoping I was wrong about the women there, each time being proven right. Every Thursday morning this group of wives and mothers would gather, leave their children with the sitter, pour themselves coffee and put donuts on napkins, then they would sit next to each other and rip their husbands apart, one at a time.

Read her whole post: How Your Words are Creating the Husband You Can’t Stand — The Purposeful Housewife

More Happy Chewbacca Mom Festivities

In addition to all the celebrations here

This happened as well:

Wow! “Happy Chewbacca” Mom wildly popular

So, I was one of many who enjoyed this (thanks, Randy Mocaby, for sharing):

SO… one of how many though? Try 145,000,000+ viewers! So, yeah, and THIS happened!

And…. then this happened too:

Lady Liberty’s had about enough (me too!)


Awesome! Reloading bullet primers with matches

What Unforgiveness Does to Your Brain – Charles Stone

This process can happen whether or not we are in real danger or whether or not someone really hurts us or we simply perceive that they did. Unforgiveness can keep our bodies and brains in this state of high alertness and leads to these unhealthy results. When the amygdalae are activated, a series of bio-chemical processes begin. The adrenal glands that lie on top of our kidneys release the stress hormone cortisol into our bodies and the brain releases neurotransmitters into the brain. Those in turn activate part of our nervous system called the sympathetic nervous system. When this system is activated, among other things, our attention gets highly focused on survival, our digestive system stops, our pupils dilate, our saliva glands slow, our blood pressure and heart rate increases, and our muscles are readied for action. Our body prepares itself to fight, flee, or freeze.

Read more: What Unforgiveness Does to Your Brain – Charles Stone

God. Family. Church. World. Doug Joseph is an ordained Christian pastor & presbyter, author of fiction & nonfiction.