Could God have done that?


What might await us in the endless future beyond the Millennial Kingdom age? Past the great white throne on Judgment Day? Could God have created  many different peoples on other worlds? Might He have created other universes or inhabited dimensions entirely disconnected from this one?

This book posits its answer to those questions as a concluded fact that is not debated (within the book, at least). However, I studied and personally debated such questions before writing the book.

Consider that, according to the Holy Scriptures, God is perfect and has not ever changed in His fundamental nature or character. Indeed, He cannot ever change, for it would be a departure from perfection, and such would be against His own self revelation to us (it would be a deviation from what He has declared in His word). Since God does not change, then what is the fundamental nature or character from which He never departs? Is His basic nature that of a lazy being who is not very creative, who naturally tends to sit in total inactivity, creating nothing?

Look around. Countless life forms abound on this world alone. Modern science has not even discovered all of them yet. No, lazy and uncreative is not who He is. His creativity is boundless.

So, why did Moses, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, write that God “rested” on the seventh day after His having worked for six days to create all that we see around us? Scholars with linguistic skill have pointed out that the Hebrew context, and the word for “rest” shown there, give a connotation of Him having completed the work to perfection. He first envisioned what He wanted to do, and then, once He was done, He stopped working simply because it was perfect.

Bear in mind that the utter lack of perfection in the sin-cursed world we now inhabit is all due to the sin of humankind (of which the first sins were committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden that was eastward in Eden). God rested not because He was lazy, tired, or was basically a non-working, non-creative being. No, He stopped because the job was done. It does not mean He stopped all creative work elsewhere. If he simply stopped all creating (as a permanent cessation), then the massive burst of creating that caused this universe (and all the life we see here) would have represented a colossal departure from His character and nature.

God created this world as a perfect place which could have been enjoyed for eternity. Were it not for human sin, which “messed up” the place, no more work from God would have been needed here. He is now at work fixing it. Yet that does not even hint that He could not have, or would not have, continued to create elsewhere. He has to have done more. It is His nature. This author cannot imagine a God so creative as to have given us this massive display of life… just sitting on His laurels for all eternity. Not only is He creative, but He also has made us as creative beings as well. Thus, authors such as C.S. Lewis and yours truly imagine other realms. Check out the “creation” in this novel. The liberated reader will love it. The “literary Taliban” (as Roy H. Williams once dubbed them) will no doubt send us out for the firing squad, as we’ve shown way too much creativity and had way too much fun. Which type of reader are you?

Order Tesseract: Paperback | Kindle
Daniel & Tess are childhood sweethearts who finally marry. Meanwhile, in another space-time, on an untainted world called Sset, the Corlan (a sinless race blessed with genetic memory) govern a paradise that has never felt the bitter sting of death. Back on sin-cursed Earth, Tess and Daniel are childless. Although they are well acquainted with pain and loss, their relationship is solid, and they live their life to the fullest in service to God and others. Fast forward over a thousand years into the future, when an unspeakable evil arises on Sset, devastating the moon world’s surface and decimating the Corlan population. Yet the Creator of both that universe and ours was not caught off guard. He’s had Daniel and Tess in mind for saving the Corlan species from extinction since before either realm was created. Although our world has had visitors from that one, this is the first time in history that it’s gone the other way. Teleport with Tess and Daniel to a place beyond time, space, and imagination. Tesseract will transform you in mind-stretching ways.

YA | Fiction, Christian, Futuristic | Science-Fiction | Adventure | Romance

New release: Tesseract

Note: Proceeds from book sales are going to help Renee Bargo get a new type of medical treatment. Thanks for your help! We have a precious family in our church here in Clarksburg, and the wife & mother in that family has a rare disease for which there has been no known treatment. They have now learned of an experimental treatment that is not covered by their insurance. She is currently raising money to make the long trip from here to Phoenix, and we are working to help her. Below are some details about this exciting, new release. 

Tesseract is part of the Millennial Teleport Trilogy (Book Two).

You can now order either installment (this one, or the first book, entitled New I.M.mortal) — or both — on either or Each of those sites offers both books (they can be ordered together as a single purchase). Also, Amazon should have both the print version and Kindle version of the new book available any time now.


SUMMARY: Daniel & Tess are childhood sweethearts who finally marry. Meanwhile, in another space-time, on an untainted world called Sset, the Corlan (a sinless race blessed with genetic memory) govern a paradise that has never felt the bitter sting of death. Back on sin-cursed Earth, Tess and Daniel are childless. Although they are well acquainted with pain and loss, their relationship is solid, and they live their life to the fullest in service to God and others. Fast forward over a thousand years into the future, when an unspeakable evil arises on Sset, devastating the moon world’s surface and decimating the Corlan population. Yet the Creator of both that universe and ours was not caught off guard. He’s had Daniel and Tess in mind for saving the Corlan species from extinction since before either realm was created. Although our world has had visitors from that one, this is the first time in history that it’s gone the other way. Teleport with Tess and Daniel to a place beyond time, space, and imagination. Tesseract will transform you in mind-stretching ways.

For Young Adults and Up

Classifications: Fiction, Christian, Futuristic | Science-Fiction | Adventure | Romance

Below: Part of a panel of illustrations in the final book — artist rendition of the central part of the Corlan society, on the moon world of Sset. This image just happens to be the title page from the Kindle version of the book, due to appear on Amazon’s Kindle store just about any time now. All the illustrations are provided in both the print and Kindle versions.


Fixed: Firefox 3.6.8 will not open new window

For those who are using Firefox, and having trouble wherein new (additional) windows will not open, here was my fix:

The followings steps instantly fixed my problem. (This worked for me using Firefox 3.6.8 on a Win XP Pro system.)

1. Start Firefox.

2. Click Tools, then Add-ons

3. If you have more than one Java Console active, uninstall all but the latest one (highest version number).

(It is possible that “disable” would also work, but I chose to uninstall.)

Unrelated diatribe:

I am currently using two laptops. I am slowly leaving a Windows (XP Pro) laptop while transitioning to a Mac (OS X) laptop. I decided (upon principle) to not buy or upgrade to another Windows OS, and as this one slowly dies (first the ability to search my own hard drive went, and lately M$ Outlook won’t let me reply or compose new emails) I am moving to the Mac. However, the foregoing could be applicable no matter what OS you use.

New I.M.mortal: New lower price on Amazon!

My latest book, New I.M.mortal, had been selling on Amazon for $15.95. It’s now available from the trusted retail giant for a new lower price. Amazon now has it for only $9.95. Also, all my books are available for Kindle e-readers, at lower prices than their paperback counterparts.

December 5, 2009
5 out of 5 stars(4)

Watch This!

It’s All About Scale

You simply have to watch this short video. Amazing!


I don’t deserve it. Any of it.

I don’t deserve the great, majestic Savior I have for a God and who has me for a son.

I don’t deserve the beautiful, sweet, wonderful lady I have for a wife and who has me for a husband.

I don’t deserve the lovely, precious kids I have for children and who have me for a father.

I don’t deserve the kind, awesome people whom I love and serve as a pastor.

If you ever feel like anyone owes you something you’re not getting, then be careful about bitterness sprouting.

Ponder how much you have that no one owed to you; that you don’t deserve.

An attitude of gratitude is a result of acknowledging one’s true place.

JPL Sued for Discriminating Against Pro-Intelligent Design Employee

Academic Freedom Update Logo

April 15, 2010




JPL Sued for Discriminating Against Pro-Intelligent Design Employee

Supervisors at NASA’s prestigious Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) illegally harassed and demoted a high-level computer system administrator for expressing support of intelligent design to co-workers, according to a discrimination lawsuit filed in California Superior Court.

David Coppedge

David Coppedge

The lawsuit was filed by attorneys on behalf of David Coppedge, an information technology specialist and system administrator on JPL’s Cassini mission to Saturn, the most ambitious interplanetary exploration ever launched. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a NASA laboratory managed by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) where robotic planetary spacecraft, such as the Mars Rovers, are built and operated. Coppedge was a "Team Lead" Systems Administrator on the Cassini mission until JPL demoted him for allegedly "pushing religion" by loaning interested co-workers DVDs supportive of intelligent design.

Read the rest of the story at Evolution News & Views.


Last Chance to Apply to Discovery Institute’s Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design
Finals might be over, but there’s still one deadline looming for college and graduate students. Applications for Discovery Insitute’s 2010 Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design are due Friday, April 16.

These two intensive summer seminars on intelligent design, science, and culture run from July 9-17, 2010 in Seattle. The first seminar is for students in the natural sciences and philosophy of science; the second seminar is for students in the social sciences and humanities (including politics, law, journalism, and theology).
These seminars allow students not only to learn about ID, but to become equipped to make a difference as a part of the ID movement. Leading lights from the intelligent design community such as Michael Behe, Douglas Axe, Stephen Meyer, and Jay Richards, will be teaching this year.

Discovery Institute pays the expenses for students who are accepted, including travel, lodging, meals, books, and other course materials. Applications will be accepted until April 16, 2010. Click here for more information.

If you’re not a student, please consider sharing this information with the students you know who may be interested. Who knows? They may end up becoming the next Michael Behe or Stephen Meyer.

Three Things You Can Do to Help
In the midst of disturbing news about threats to academic freedom (see above for the latest), it’s helpful to remember that there are concrete, tangible ways you can take a stand for academic freedom on evolution.

First, you can call the JPL at 818-354-2148 and respectfully let them know that you are standing for David Coppedge and for academic freedom.

Second, you can join 40,000 other people in supporting academic freedom on evolution by signing the Academic Freedom Petition. Or, if you’ve already signed, please get three firends to sign on as well. 

Third, forward this newsletter to your friends and family and tell them to sign up to keep updated on important academic freedom cases like David Coppedge’s.

Your voice has an impact in this debate — make sure it gets heard!   


Issue: 8




Darwin Quote


In This Issue

Last Chance to Apply to Discovery Institute’s Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design

Three Things You Can Do to Help




Summer Seminars on ID


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Google Shuts Down the Chinese Search Engine

As promised, Google will no longer censor search results in China. Google’s solution is to redirect users to Google Hong Kong, which shows uncensored results. Google Blog explains this interesting decision:

“Users visiting are now being redirected to, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong. (…) We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China, yet the Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement. We believe this new approach of providing uncensored search in simplified Chinese from is a sensible solution to the challenges we’ve faced—it’s entirely legal and will meaningfully increase access to information for people in China.”

It’s obvious that Google Hong Kong will be blocked in China and this workaround is only temporary. Google wanted to continue operating in China without censoring search results: “In terms of Google’s wider business operations, we intend to continue R&D work in China and also to maintain a sales presence there, though the size of the sales team will obviously be partially dependent on the ability of mainland Chinese users to access”

Google agreed to censor search results in China four years ago because it hoped that things will get better over time. Here’s an excerpt from a Google blog post written in 2006:

“We aren’t happy about what we had to do this week, and we hope that over time everyone in the world will come to enjoy full access to information. But how is that full access most likely to be achieved? We are convinced that the Internet, and its continued development through the efforts of companies like Google, will effectively contribute to openness and prosperity in the world. Our continued engagement with China is the best (perhaps only) way for Google to help bring the tremendous benefits of universal information access to all our users there.”

Unfortunately, Google’s optimism was misplaced: “Google and more than twenty other U.S. companies had been the victims of a sophisticated cyber attack originating from China” and there were many “attempts over the last year to further limit free speech on the web in China including the persistent blocking of websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Docs and Blogger”.

Google China’s homepage until today:

Google Chine’s new homepage:


This decision has profound implications.

Jeannette Joseph’s Retirement Party (03-18-2010)

For anyone who would like to get a glimpse into my Mama’s retirement party, this is a 10.5 minute video that I made, using pics and video taken on my cell phone (Palm Treo):

Jeannette Joseph’s Retirement Party was held on her 74th birthday, 3/18/2010.

She worked for the DA’s office for 29 years (First Judicial District of Louisiana). She was highly spoken of by both the DA and her immediate boss.

God. Family. Church. World. Doug Joseph is an ordained Christian pastor & presbyter, author of fiction & nonfiction.